On the journey through life,

it cannot be told where the road on earth ends

and the highway to heaven begins.

All of heaven is watching...

People are waiting on...

The Greatest Invitation!

The Greatest Invitation stars a king, his son, angels, and mankind. The king extends wedding invitations in the hands of servant angels to everyone, good or bad.

Rufus sits against a fence at a homeless site nursing his last bottle of Mad Dog 20/20.

“Receive your invitation,” offers Symon.

“Get that paper outta my face!” Rufus rejects.

Angel legionnaires are assaulted on their mission! The king declares war!

Joy! Sadness! Triumph! Tragedy! Unfold on every hand!

Gross darkness engulfs the world…the wedding door is closing…

“The Greatest Invitation is reserved for you, friend,” smiles servant Geraldenaeus. “Will you accept or decline? What shall I report to the king?”

Doris Harper, a native of North Carolina, writes gospel, country, ballads, and children’s songs since the age of fifteen. Both vocalist and guitarist, Doris blesses many with her talents. In 1999, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Doris, infusing her with His power and love, forever changing her life! In 2004, Jesus gave Doris a night vision. He told her, “I have a great work for you to do.” Shortly after, Doris began writing The Greatest Invitation.